Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Saved by a Stranger

I don’t remember the day I was born, but I heard my father cried for me
They say from every death, comes a birth; I wonder who died for me
Was it on a cross and who watched you bleed
Did you feel pleasure indefinite or was it heated rage
If in rage, then its you who gave me my delusional pain, a gift I can't live without.
I got my soul from a stranger who wasn’t born in a manger, and I hear salvation will set me free
Free at last from my inherited greed that pulls at my side reminding me oceans can’t separate you from what you were born to be
So, I ask you stranger, where are you taking me and do my eyes show you the world differently
Or is it you who’s inside telling me life is what you can’t see
I picture you a lover passionate for what’s real
By real, I mean what’s real to you, not the collective idea of reality
I picture you a saint saving others with your smile and grace
You say a smile’s worth a thousand prayers when no ones happy anymore
I picture you angry at times because mom and dad didn’t try hard enough to love and you just want to get it right
So that anger becomes sadness and now I know why my father cried
He wanted his tears to baptize me on the day that you died

Friday, July 4, 2008

And your guard is only a catapult waiting for the right time to let you go
Into the unknown, just to watch you hold your breath
And surrender your fortress…

And you're, you’re the kind to hide your eyes from the sun
And in your world, the strong survive
But I won’t take my body down…

And nothing will stop it.

- Words from “Arms Like Boulders” by The War on Drugs


photo by BB